Cybersmart (PIXTON)

Hello BLOGGERS! This is my cybersmart blog! I did this on Pixton, it took me a while to do all these things, I even did a TIP for you guys! Please follow that tip!

(GOAL) Reaching a high “Word count”

(OTHER GOAL) Getting more then 13 comments

1 page (GIRL WITH DARK GREEN SHIRT) This is such a bad blog, I should comment “REALLY BAD ,Should have tried better 😂”

2 page (GIRL WITH PASTEL GREEN DRESS)I have been blogging for a week but I only have 22 blogs…I should blog more

3 page (GIRL WITH PASTEL GREEN DRESS)Oh, I got a comment! Hopefully I got a nice one!

4 page (GIRL WITH PASTEL GREEN DRESS)OMG this is such a RUDE comment!

5 Page (GIRL WITH DARK GREEN SHIRT) Guess what Liz. I commented on a girl called Lina and it was like the worst blog ever that I commented on! She is THE WORST!I checked all her blogs, one of them was like the WORST

6 page (GIRL WITH A CUTE UNIFORM) MYA! Did you say Lina? UHM! The most words she ever had were 380! YOU ONLY HAVE 2 WORD!!!In 1 minutes!




Lina’s student maths slideshow

Hello bloggers, this is my student maths slideshow. My first slideshow is useful to get on to Interactive whiteboard, Interactive whiteboard is a maths website, we use Interactive whiteboard very often.


The second slideshow is the first time I used this, it says it took me lots of practice to do these, I can now tell that they’re 4 tens and 6 ones which means sixty-one (61)


The third slideshow I wrote the date! The “learn” says we used a dice roller and made numbers, miss hanrahan wrote all the hundreds tens and ones numbers on the board I can



W8T2 Reading create task 1 and 2

Hello bloggers this is my create task 1 this was a really easy create task I just had to write 2 sentence about why I like the character. I am doing a book called Bells and butterfly’s , they use lots of sparkly equipment to attract and interest the audience ,this photo is a bit blurry so under this writing/text I will write it down.

(JUST IN CASE THE WORDS ARE TOO BLURRY) Nileesha is my favourite character because she is the only character, she wears a lot of make-up to include the culture.

ADJECTIVES: Make-up, culture, sparks, sounds, attraction, INDIAAAAAA.




(Answer please) Do you like my work????????????????????????????????????????(THANKFUL IF YOU LIKE IT) BYE BLOGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello bloggers,this is my create task two, this was an HARD create task, so I have no idea how hard create task 3 is, I think it will be quite easier… then this create task because its just summarising, summarising was easier than I thought, last week.

(QUESTIONS)                                                                                                                                                                                                How do you know the dances are from India?

I know that these dances are India dances because the main character, Nileesha said that, these dances were from India.


Biography slides

Hello bloggers, this picture you see in the bottom of the text is my biography writing. To finish all these slides, it took a long time.  I think writing on all these slides was hard but it was easy to put on this blog.



Create task 1,2,3



Who are the characters? The characters in the story is Uncle Tino, Jessie and Jonas.

2 sentences about why you like character?The reason I like the character “Jonas” is cause Jonas always has all the good ideas. He said “We will stay safe”which  sounds honest.. A LOT

5  Adjectives ( uncle Tino)

  1. Funny
  2. Brave
  3. Embarrassing
  4. Talented
  5. Fire dancer

Hello bloggers these words you see on the top of this text are all the things I wrote in my reading book. While I was writing these words down I was focusing a lot. I was excited to show you guys my work. I liked writing all of the things down in my reading book.



(Circle on the very top) This country is located on the pacific Ocean in the middle of the earth in Samoa, Samoa is located in Oceania.

(Circle on the left underneath the very top circle) Samoa belongs to the Polynesian Islands.

(Circle on the right underneath the very top circle) There is a part where the Woman’s dance and the mans wait and then join a bit later.

(Circle on the 3rd row on the left)Peoples eat different types of foods.

(Circle on the 3rd row on the right)

important line 1.    The peoples that dance the SASA makes sure to do the same actions to make the same sounds to include that culture

(circle on the very bottom)The Sasa dances have lots of claps and activeness.

Hello bloggers this is my MINDMAP create task I chose the book UNCLE TINO it is a Samoa book I think this was a hard create task to do, I didn’t like it because I had to write 2 facts from scaffolding text 2 from complementary text 2 from video and 2 from another video.I liked it because we had a long time to think about what facts I wanted. You can ask me questions I will SOMETIMES answer it! BYEEEEE!!!!!!!



Hello bloggers I found this a OKAY create task,it was a bit annoying when my friends were trying to be in the video and making silly noises, but luckily they stopped  because they were exhausted .This was about the fifth attempt I did. I was fully focused while recording this. I think the most embarrassing/funniest page is the sixth page.

GOAL:Getting more words on the blog and more comments


What?When?Where? Why? who?

Hello bloggers, this is my 3rd create task (what,when,where,why,who) I like this create task but it’s  not my favourite I did the background black to look like it is night. This was made in 6/6/2024 and it is week 6. It took 2 days to make this video. I did this on canvas in the video slide. My junior journal is all about weaving tukutuku’s, the weaving tukutuku is on page 22 . This is my 2nd favourite create task. I find this create task a bit hard.I did the words white because it was originally black and I wanted the background to be black, so I decided to do the words white and it came out wonderful. I am proud of my work! This video I did is called “what?”. I enjoyed this create task ( I enjoyed blogging more 😂) I enjoyed it because I liked to write on the chrome book and rewrite on my chrome book on canvas. The part I didn’t like is when I forgot to write “who” and I almost posted it, that was a huge accident. I HATED THAT ACCIDENT!!I am so appreciated and proud of myself how I did 212 words.

Bye bloggers have a look at my marvellous video under this text when you are done reading this text!




Hello bloggers, when I was recording this video I felt nervous, this was the 2nd create task. This is the best  create task because you get to write 10 facts about the book you are doing and then you get to record 5 facts. You don’t have to put the words in order you can just read the ones you like or what you want to read. I enjoyed this create task very much! The background I was doing for this video is my favourite background, it is called “teacher for the day”. I loved the facts that I chose to write. I think the create task wasn’t that hard. 🙂

Thinking wheel sheet (Weaving tukutuku)

This week I chose a junior journal book called “weaving tukutuku” This create task you can see at the bottom of this picture is my first create task, this is the first reading create task we had to do. We had to answer the questions. It was quite an easy create task, it was a little bit hard to get the text box and write it down upside down, but only one of them was upside down. 

Create task 3, Not just kicking and punching

Hello people, this is my 3rd create task. I am reading the book, “Not just kicking and punching” (What? Where? Why? who?) This create task is on Canvas. This whole book is about ju-jitsu, Ju-jitsu is kinda like karate. ju-jitsu is a martial sport. ju-jitsu means Gentleness art because ju means gentleness and jitsu means art. Ju jitsu is not for just competing for fun it’s also learning how to fight. They use that technique to self defence.